Some more of my photos from 100 Happy Days. Are you taking part?
21 - After I finished my run of 4 night shifts I met my boyfriend for a brunch date at Kember and Jones for these amaaaazing waffles.
22 - I cheated a bit and used a video for day 22. I went to the Power of Scotland vs. New Wheeled Order (Scotland vs. Manchester) men's roller derby bout: it was so exciting!!
23 - This wee guy found my stash of make-up sponges and chewed EVERY SINGLE ONE. Look at her cute little face though, I can't be angry with her. Awww.
24 - We had some people round to watch some truly awful films and eat vast quantities of popcorn. I love movie night!
25 - Another quiet night in, but this time with my boyfriend, Chi the cat and this tub of frozen yoghurt. Its so good!