Saturday, 30 August 2014

100 Happy Days - 91 - 95

Almost there!

91. Chi is SUPER CUTE when she's snoozing. Awww!

92. Tea and cake at Cup with my boyfriend.

93. My hair not behaving.

94. Absolutely thrilled to be part of these guys big day. Aren't they the most beautiful couple ever?

95. Wedding rainbow balloon backdrop of joy!

Saturday, 23 August 2014

100 Happy Days - 86 - 90

86. Chi loves an decidedly inelegant pose.

87. I helped Marshall Lawless paint her new premises for 5th Blocker Skates - she inherited a creepy mannequin with the shop, here she is giving it some new and improved granny pants.

88. I wasn't feeling very well, but this GIANT mug of tea definitely helped.

89. My friend Ali uploaded this amazing photo of me with Sarabi the Milky Eagle Owl. Isn't she awesome? My face is less awesome.

90. RGB/CMYK Necklaces - colours always make me happy.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

100 Happy Days - 81 - 85

81. ROAD TRIP! We went to the Scottish Owl Centre. I thought it would be pretty good but turned out is was AMAZING!

82. My lovely friend Shari bought me some Pop Tarts for birthday. They were so tasty!

83. Chi has taken to hanging out on top of the door and trying to jump into your dinner when you walk past.

84. Hexagon Necklaces going out to lovely customers is making me happy!

85. My friend Shady and I went to the zoo! The penguins were the best despite his insistence that the monkeys were better.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

100 Happy Days - 76 - 80

76. This is my little sister's beautiful cat Rue. She is so much more elegant (but obviously less fun) than Chi!

77. I love my Power of Scotland tshirt and my jeans-with-braces.

78. Selling merch with the awesome Trucks Norris. Buy our tshirts!!

79. Super cute presents from Amy in the post for my birthday. Look! Sharks!

80. Eggs and toast soldiers and definitely under rated. More eggs!

Saturday, 2 August 2014

100 Happy Days - 71 - 75

71. Cutest ever dress in pastel checks from ASOS (a long time ago!).

72. Chi loves to steal human food. Garlic bread is not for cats!

73. More ice cream in the park!

74. Wearing my amazing Wombat Readiness Medal from Handy Maiden.

75. We tried out Netrunner at Geek Retreat and discovered we were absolutely terrible at it! We'll keep going though, it was super fun.