Friday, 19 April 2013

Friday Wishlist 8

1. This gingham skirt from Nishe reminds me of picnics and sunshine. Also, it's covered in embroidered fruit. HURRY UP SUMMER.

2. Speaking of Summer, I love the bright colours in the latest colour way of this Tatty Devine classic Bunting Necklace.

3. Joy have always got about a million dresses I want and this Louche Enya Bird Dress is no exception. I love a mid-calf dress so I can rock granny-chic at work.

4. I Am Acrylic have released this amazingly cute Volcano Necklace made of pretty pearlescent white acrylic and contrasting fluorescent orange lava! Watch out trees!! I love natural disaster based jewellery.

5. I kind of love this t-shirt from Stories. It is all kinds of weird. There are rainbows and black stripy bits and....horses. Obviously.

6. I can't wait for this Twig Necklace from Wolf and Moon to be back in stock. I want one in every colour so I can wear them all at once and look like a crazy tree lady.

7. Is this not the coolest bag you've ever seen? It's called Radio Samira by Kate Spade and if I had a spare $298 I would be all over it.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Crazy Dresses

There's always a couple of items of clothing in a shop that you wonder what the designer was thinking. I thought I'd put together a wee collection of a few of the very odd dresses I've found on my travels around the internet.

1. Forever Unique have developed this slightly unusual dress that looks a bit like sparkly blood dripping down a poorly fitting, see through dress for ladies who are very good at using only 1 arm on a night out. A bargain at only £135.

2. ASOS have done it again with this Lace Biker Dress. What? You want to make a lace dress that looks like a biker jacket? Even the model looks confused.

3. Urban Outfitters have this weird Cocoon Dress which I imagine is meant to be an excuse to leave the house in an expensive attempt at a onesie.

4. This Faux Leather Diamond Neckline Dress from Chicwish is EXACTLY the colour of dog poo. Also, I can't get the theme tune from The Flintstones out of my head now.

5. The aptly named Futuristic Terrain Dress from Modcloth does indeed look like it's from a 60's sci-fi film. But in a bad way.

Have you found any monstrosities recently? If so, show me!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Blog and Buy Sale Spring Wishlist

It's apparently Spring time, although looking out the window at all that snow I'm not sure I believe it. But it does mean that it's time for the Blog and Buy Sale Spring Wishlist and they've put together an amazing collection of pretty things!

Here are some of my favourites:

1. Geo Cat Brooch - Custom Made

5. Brisingamen Necklace - Triptych Designs

6. Cat Cushion in Burnt Orange - Robin and Mould

7. Captain Claude - Rogue Lobster

8. Boulder Display Units - CoucouManou

9. Stuff I'm Likely To Forget Notebook - Bread and Jam

10. I Like Crumbs Pigeon Brooch - Alice Shields

You can check out our necklaces on the Wishlist too. Firstly our Ferris Wheel Necklace.

.....and also our White Mix Tape Necklace. These come in 3 different colours!

It's great to be featured amongst such lovely things! You can view the whole wishlist here; what are your favourite products?